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Undergraduate Level
Graduate Level

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Research Group
Research / Educational Projects
Journal publications
Other Publications
Information Material

Scientific Activities
Outreach Activities

Information Material

κ Photocatalytic Removal of Organic Micropollutants from the Aqueous Phase using TiO2 coupled with Graphene as a Photocatalyst [pdf in english, 250KB]
κ Advanced systems for the enhancement of the environmental performance of WINEries in Cyprus [pdf in greek, 180KB]
κ Degradation of estrogen compounds in waters and wastewaters (urban and hospital wastewaters) by heterogeneous photocatalytic chemical oxidation [pdf in greek, 140KB]
κ Development of a solar technology for the removal of effluent organic matter from urban wastewater [pdf in english, 150KB]
κ Development of novel methods for the toxicity assessment of multi-component chemical mixtures to humans and the ecosystem [pdf in english, 150KB]
κ Fate, effect and removal potential of xenobiotics present in aqueous matrices [pdf in english, 500KB]
Life Cycle Assessment as a Decision Support Tool for the eco-production of olive oil [pdf in greek, 182KB]
Ecotoxicity [pdf in greek, 371ΚB]
Development of methods and tools for the establishment of good environmental performance of the tourist accommodation sector in Jordan [pdf in english, 176KB]
Pharmaceuticals in Urban Sewage [pdf in greek, 276ΚΒ]
Advanced Oxidation Processes [pdf in greek, 275ΚΒ]
Anaerobic Digestion [pdf in english and greek, 203KB]
Sustainable construction of private and public works through IPP approach [pdf in greek, 297KB]