
Welcome to the web site of the research project "Multimodal Epileptic Seizure Prediction from long-term EEG and ECG measurements". This project is co-funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (RPF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the YGEIA/DYGEIA/0609(BE)/22 programme.

Research Promotion Foundation
DESMH 2009-2010

Project Summary

Epilepsy is a condition that affects 0.6-0.8% of the world population, rendering it the most common neurological disorder after stroke. It is characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures, due to abnormal, excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain and by a vast range of causes, triggering events, symptoms and brain locations where the seizures originate. In 25% of the affected population, seizures cannot be controlled by antiepileptic drugs or surgery. However, it has been suggested, that at least some types of seizures are predictable.

The objective of the present project is to perform multimodal seizure prediction from long-term EEG and ECG data, by also considering subjective prodromal information. To this end we will:

  • collect long-term simultaneous video-EEG and ECG measurements and record the occurrence of prodromal symptoms;
  • assess the performance of existing and novel patient-specific EEG and ECG seizure prediction algorithms, placing emphasis on multivariate approaches and statistical validation of the results;
  • identify neural correlates of subjective prodromal information;
  • design efficient data fusion schemes that will integrate the aforementioned multimodal information in order to improve the overall prediction performance.