Project Start
The project was set in motion. Its duration has been set to 36 months.
The fundamental premise of the proposed RONDA project, its ecosystem and its architecture (depicted below) is to utilize a real-life transport network (Lakatamia Municipality) to study roadway infrastructure and several vulnerability aspects with respect to key quantitative and qualitative attributes of traffic and roadway pavement conditions, and to offer a low-cost, participatory-sensing integrated hardware/software platform for the sustainable management of this network. Further to the consortium partners, the proposed ecosystem will capitalize on existing links with the academic sector, the public and the private sectors, strengthening the synergies between them. Among the most notable outputs of the project will be the RONDA data hub (with data and relevant quantitative and qualitative models), research findings, policy consultation and capacity building for interested organizations.
01 november 2019
The project was set in motion. Its duration has been set to 36 months.
01 december 2019
The design of the RONDA platform architecture starts.
01 january 2020
Expected initiation of the WPs related to vibration-based and vision-based roadway assessment, and to adaptive-location aerial-borne traffic assessment.
30 november 2020
Development of the RONDA Decision Support System (DSS) starts.
30 november 2021
WP3-WP6 complete. The RONDA platform and related transport assessment tools are tested.
01 may 2021
Pilot-study implementation (WP8) of the developed RONDA platform and tools.
01 may 2022
Completion of the RONDA DSS/tools and th epilot study. Capacity-building activities start.
30 october 2022
The RONDA project completes!
Algorithms and software code on traffic modeling and transport infrastructure assessment.
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Cyprus Research & Technology Foundation ('RESTART 2016-2020' Program) (Grant No. INTEGRATED/0918/0056).