Project Summary
The main objective of the project is to create an Open Interoperable Architecture System for Urban Transport Management and Measurement of Environmental Impact. This objective is fully in line with the more general objective of achieving Sustainable Development where the link between environmental protection and the transport sector is required, bearing in mind that transport is the largest pollutant producer. The interconnection of environmental issues with the transport sector is reinforced through the Transport White Paper 2011 (Roadmap to a Competitive and Resource Efficient Transport) where an action guide for a competitive, low-emission and the energy-efficient economy is created by 2050.
The aim was to reduce pollutants from 80% to 95% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels. The project will develop an open architecture methodology that builds on both existing and new systems to be implemented, rated and ranked to be channeled into pilot actions to be implemented in the cities of Nicosia, Chania, and Kos. Pilot projects of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) will be used to link transport to cities by reducing environmental pollutants. Pilot actions will help reduce road delays by improving traffic management and informing users and network operators and promoting public transport while achieving measurable results of reducing pollutants. The methodology is based on the use of existing traffic measurement systems ("DIAVLOS & PRODROMOS " - & and pollutants in the road network.
These systems will be completed/interconnected and expanded with a view to creating a complete traffic picture of the three cities and how traffic affects air pollution along major axes and the city as a whole. Implementation of the instrument is expected to contribute to improving the environmental conditions with the benefit of the citizens of the 3 cities, as well as the operators in relation to the management of the networks. The results of the act will be used as guidelines for assessing the impact of traffic on urban pollution in the future development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP). Finally, the systems that will be designed and developed will be fully expandable, with a modular architecture, additional functionalities, and geographic expansion.
Co-funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund - E.R.D.F.) and from the national resources of Greece and Cyprus. The content of the website is the sole responsibility of the beneficiary's name and cannot in any way reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries and the managing authority.